Offbeat San Francisco: The Fascinating Sea Lions Of Pier 39

Aug 20, 2024 | Travel

When thinking of California, USA, we imagine its sunny weather, beautiful beaches, and iconic places like Disneyland. San Francisco, in particular, is home to many well-known attractions, with the Golden Gate Bridge being a prominent highlight. But there’s another surprising and offbeat attraction in San Francisco that might catch your interest: the sea lions at Pier 39.

Offbeat California has thrown many surprises. The vintage town of Solvang, the ostrich farm, and a camp at Uvas Canyon County Park were all quirky activities that we thoroughly enjoyed. We also toured San Francisco in instalments and was impressed during every visit.

Most Popular Pier – Pier 39, San Francisco

Pier 39 is a super popular spot in San Francisco, offering incredible views of the bay. The pier juts out into the water and is packed with fun things to do, making it a hit with tourists. During our visit, after checking out the restaurants and attractions, we came across an incredible sight: groups of sea lions chilling on the wooden platforms.

They were so still, they almost looked like statues, but a few playful ones were jumping in and out of the water, reminding us they were very much alive.

History of Sea Lions at Pier 39

We were very intrigued to find the sea-lions at such a busy spot roosting restfully without a care in the world. This was a most astonishing sight since we would expect to see these water giants in an aquarium or a beach. But as we walked around, we realised that they have an interesting yet endearing history here.

There were many posters and we read that the herds of sea lions have been flocking out at Pier 39 for years. They love the San Francisco Bay, especially in the winter. The temperature is comfortable, there is plenty of food, no scary predators like sharks or orcas, and the docks are comfy and safe. The floating docks move with the tide, giving the sea lions a perfect place to relax. Standing there, you feel like you’re gently rocking with the waves-it’s a cool, almost animated experience.

When the sea lions first showed up at Pier 39, the dock was full of boats. But people decided to let the sea lions stay. The sea lions were so heavy that they eventually caused the old dock to sink and break. So, in 1995, Pier 39 put in new floats to give these big guys a better home.

Best Season to View the Sea Lions at Pier 39

The number of sea lions at Pier 39 changes throughout the year. From late July to mid-May, there are usually tons of them lounging around. In June and July, most head south to the Channel Islands to breed, but a few stick around. By late July, the younger ones start coming back, followed by the adult males who sometimes travel as far as Alaska and Canada.

Maintenance of the Sea Lions

In the U.S., it’s against the law to feed or bother wild marine mammals, including sea lions. The staff at Pier 39 keep things clean by washing down the docks regularly. They use a boat and raft system to spray bay water over the platforms, keeping everything fresh. The Marine Mammal Center also watches over the sea lions including attending to the infirm ones.

If you’re planning a holiday in California, USA, and looking for something unique to do, be sure to visit the sea lions at Pier 39 in San Francisco. This offbeat experience offers a unique glimpse into the local wildlife and adds a special touch to your travel adventure.

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  1. Kimberley Asante

    Your post about the sea lions of Pier 39 is both fascinating and informative! I love how you’ve highlighted this unique and offbeat attraction in San Francisco—it’s a must-see for anyone visiting the city!

  2. Beth

    I love the sea lions in San Francisco! We were there a few years ago, and we were lucky enough to see them all splattered out on the docks. It was so fun!

  3. Claudia

    We’re heading to California next year, and I’m hoping we’ll get a glimpse of the sea lions. They’re so amazing!

  4. Fransic verso

    This is awesome, love the view of the sea but haven’t been to the sea lions at Pier 39. I guess we can visit next year in July or May.

  5. LisaLisa

    WOW, now I wouldn’t mind seeing these sea lions, this is the first time I have ever heard of them being on the pier. Maybe next year we could set up a visit to San Francisco. Great post!!

  6. Kristine

    Thanks for the info on San Fransisco! I haven’t been there in ages. Time to plan another trip.

  7. joy

    i want to see the sea lions! Would you suggest late july or early august to see the young ones?

  8. Neha

    Oh I love to check out wildlife when ever I am travelling. Pier 39 sounds like a fab destination when I visit California next!

  9. Ntensibe Michael Edgar

    Aaahhhh….I am always intrigued by the sight of sea lions. They look so peaceful and eager to busk in the sun. Do they bite, though?


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