Join us for the screening of “A Harum-Scarum Family” (A szeleburdi család), a classic Hungarian comedy from 1981 directed by György Palásthy. This 73-minute film is part of the “50 Years of Fun” Hungarian Comedies series. The story follows the adventurous and noisy life of the intellectual Faragó family, who live in a small apartment in downtown Budapest. Despite their crowded conditions, they embrace life with their three kids and numerous animals. In contrast, their neighbors, the newly rich Belvizi family, live a luxurious lifestyle but lack time for their only child, Andrea. As the Faragó family struggles to make ends meet, hope arrives with the release of the father’s book, promising potential financial relief. This event is in collaboration with the Liszt Institute – Hungarian Cultural Centre.
Don’t miss this delightful classic comedy! Enjoy “A Harum-Scarum Family” and experience the charm of Hungarian cinema.
Event Details:
Date and Time: August 8, 7:00 PM
Location: India Habitat Centre