Fine Fri-yay at Jom Jom Malay

Sep 18, 2018 | Eating out, Food

Date: 14 Sep, 2018
Venue: Jom Jom Malay, Ansal Plaza

We are fans of Jom Jom Malay since inception a couple of years back. They are perhaps the only restaurant serving Malay food in Delhi NCR. In fact we also had a great time at Citrawarna – Malaysia Day celebrations here last year and had. We were here again last Friday evening to taste Jom Jom Malay’s fine Fri-yay affair.

It was an elaborate multi-course meal that had all the works from soup to dessert. Some of the items such as satay and Tom Yum soup were familiar. Other items such as Roti Jaala – a work of art with bread baked in lattice like a cage; coconut tofu soup that is creamy with just the right amount of tanginess and Popiah rolls, Malay take on vegetarian spring rolls were pleasant surprise. Although we missed Nasi Goreng – our favourite version of coconut rice, we loved Rendang, a rich lamb curry that was served with Roti Jaala and Roti Canai, similar to our Lachha Paratha in the main course.

We kept sipping cocktails in lemon and pomegranate flavours along with the meal. While we are not much of cocktail people, the refreshing flavours and mild sweetness made these drinks stand apart from most cocktails that we come across. These are definitely worth a shot, no pun intended, for your Friday kick.

The dessert story is interesting. We were served Vanilla ice cream mixed with crushed peanuts in a cone made with Roti Jaala. The gold color caged ice cream was an installation on the table. The bread with the ice cream tasted good. But we were expecting something with a coconut base and the chef indulged us. He asked us to wait for 20 minutes but came back in half the time with two shot glasses with overflowing fluorescent green topping. The glasses contained mildly sweetened coconut puree that tasted divine with the icing kind of topping. We had the desserts warm, which is unusual up north. But the warmth added a certain comfort to this gooey dish. No fear – chef said that this dessert can be had chilled too.

Do have some time on hand. Given the specialized cuisine, the preparations take a while but it was all worth the wait. After all it’s Jom Jom Malay’s fine Fri-yay affair. Yassssss!

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  1. Kat Califf

    This place looks really good. That meal looks delicious.

    • Jom Jom Malay

      Thank You!

  2. Brittany Vantrease

    I’ve never had a 6 course meal before. This sounds delicious and I’m curious about how the textures would all be together.

  3. MiamiGirlFoodie

    Everything looks so wonderful! I’d love to try this food! Looks like you had a great time.

  4. Heidi

    That food looks really good. That bread baked in the lattice design is so cool. I wonder how they make that.

  5. blair villanueva

    I haven’t tried this and now am intrigue! I will try to look for this in the local restaurant.

  6. London Mumma

    Sounds like you guys had a great time. Love places like this to eat.

  7. Kiwi

    This looks delicious. I am loving all of the options for this multi-course meal.

  8. Brittany

    This looks like a really cool place. I’d love to check it out one day!!!

  9. Stephanie | Adventures in Aussieland

    That roti looks super cool! Sounds like you had an incredible time! The food and drinks sound incredible as well!

  10. Becca Wilson

    This looks like it would be such an amazing experience. Their environment of the restaurant itself is incredible.


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