Travel Etiquette for 2024

Feb 17, 2024 | Travel

Be it work or pleasure, we look forward to a comfortable journey. What if our bliss is punctured by the misconduct of our co-passengers? Those couple of hours which could last over a night can become a sheer inferno with no escape route.

The one who sings the happy song of the roads…you sing along with them
– Rabindranath Tagore

Examination season is soon getting over and many of us will be looking out for cool summer vacation destinations. While on the road, we always pray for good co-passengers. To expect good behaviour from our co-travellers, we should lead by example and be good travellers ourselves. To that end, we have compiled a guide on top travel etiquette rules that would make travel a pleasant experience for us as well as others.


Use headphones

Music, podcasts, or plain catching up with friends, we tend to entertain ourselves when we travel. Some of us use this time to do things that we otherwise do not find time such as speaking to friends and family. However, we often forget that our co-passengers may not share our same taste for audio entertainment (including Bhajans, carols and Swifties). Also, they might feel awkward overhearing our personal conversations. So, for heaven’s sake, during such times, refrain from speaking loudly and please use a headphone. There is a wide variety available in the market that would suit your budget and requirements.

Moreover, it is perfectly legit to request a co-passenger who is indulging in some loud audio to keep it personal and use a headphone.

Use reading light

If you are a bookworm or find it difficult to sleep on trains or flights, a captivating book might be your saviour. In such situations, be kind to others and keep the cabin light off. If your seat or berth has a reading light, please switch that on. Or you can also carry a portable reading light and use that. These are nifty little gadgets that also double up as torches.

Use flush in toilets

Among the key etiquette tips for travellers, we can’t over-emphasize the necessity of flushing toilets. One good deed deserves another. So, if you expect a clean restroom, do not forget to leave it clean for the next user. You may be surprised that this needs to be said. Yet an unclean toilet is primordial among travel horrors.

Be careful when you tilt your seat

Reclining seats are a huge blessing when we travel. However, while tilting your seat, please be mindful that you are not causing discomfort to the passenger behind you. They may be using the tray table for finishing their meal or beverage and so on. So, please keep your seat upright during meal times, and even when you tilt your seat, do check with the passenger behind you.

Handle kids

Children often do not take journeys very kindly. They tend to get uncomfortable, impatient, and consequently cranky. Not to play the bad cop here, but if you are travelling with children, please have the plan to engage them beforehand. There may be infirm people or passengers with health issues travelling in the same compartment. Noisy kids and bawling children are very trying for everyone, especially people who are not fit. So please handle your children and keep them quiet and rested during travel.

Carry pens

Even if you are not an author, a pen comes in extremely handy. From filling out forms to doodling when you are bored, this small instrument is a must-have when you travel. This way you don’t need to bother others if you need a pen. In fact, it could be your moment of kindness when you lend your pen to a needy co-traveler.

Use masks and sanitizers

Let’s face it – we live in an age of germs and infections. A little hygiene can go a long way to stay safe. Carry a sanitizer to remove that sticky feel after having some food. A mask not only protects you from the germs that your co-passengers may be carrying, but is effective in handling pollution. Pandemic or not, carry these to have a healthier journey.

Be understanding

We often tend to be a little selfish when we travel. While it is important to guard your personal space in the public domain, please don’t forget to be considerate. If turning your bag can make space for someone else’s luggage, please be the bigger person and take the initiative. By showing consideration, you lose little but you will be making another person happy and gaining many good karma points.

Say thank you

Last but not least, feel gratitude towards this person who has been on their feet for n number of hours. It could be the cabin crew’s job to serve food etc. But you are the one who can make them feel that their job is not thankless. Generously thank people who attend to you or who make your journey easier through random acts of kindness.


Refrain from talking loudly

Travel is happiness. When we travel in groups, we often tend to let go of inhibitions and speak loudly with each other, sometimes on far-off seats. This can be most disturbing for your co-passengers so, please be a little considerate. Please control your exuberance and speak softly with your mates when you travel, especially during resting time when people may be trying to sleep.

Don’t peak into other’s gadgets

Many of us often tend to look at the screens of the gadgets of our co-passengers. We don’t mean to pry, but it is perhaps a reflex. Even so, please control yourself. For long journeys, download episodes of your favourite shows and focus on your own entertainment. In the same vein, please do not watch private content that is meant for viewing in your personal domain in public space.

Don’t leave tray tables open

Tray tables are meant to facilitate meals. At other times it is a potential hindrance to the ingress or egress of your co-passenger. Hence, to the extent possible please keep tray tables closed and use them during meal times.

Don’t get up before the announcement

This is something most of us would have encountered. In flights, some of us are in a forever rush. The moment the airplane touches down, the impatient ones are up tugging at the baggage cabin handle. However, this is a potential flight hazard and can lead to accidents. Hence, you should not get up before the announcement that it is safe to leave your seat.

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Don’t overdrink alcohol

Last but not least, one of the top travel rules is to exercise self-control. Many overseas flights offer complimentary alcohol. This is for the passenger to relax, but not become tipsy. Make sure you are not intoxicated and limit your alcohol intake. Intoxication is not only a menace to co-passengers, you are making yourself vulnerable to potential legal consequences and penalties.
None of the above points is rocket science. Yet, at times we miss the obvious. Bearing these basic travel rules in mind would not only make us responsible co-travellers but would also add value to our travel experience.

Also Read: Should drunk passengers be allowed to board a flight

Bon Voyage!

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  1. Rahul Prabhakar

    What a lovely post! As we navigate through the ever-changing landscape of travel in 2024, it’s essential to embrace a set of updated travel etiquettes. As you rightly pointed out, respect for local customs and regulations remains paramount, especially in light of evolving health and safety measures.

    Prioritizing sustainability by minimizing carbon footprint and supporting eco-friendly practices is now more crucial than ever. Additionally, practicing patience and understanding towards fellow travelers and hospitality staff is essential amidst potential disruptions and adjustments.

    Embracing digital tools for contactless transactions and communication can streamline the travel experience while maintaining hygiene standards. Ultimately, by embodying these modern travel etiquettes, we can ensure a more mindful and harmonious exploration of the world in 2024 and beyond.

  2. Earn Money Flex

    Observing Travel Etiquette in 2024 would greatly simplify life and enhance the enjoyment of trips. If only I could share this blog with my fellow travelers and co-passengers! It emphasizes the importance of refraining from peeking into others’ gadgets, highlighting the necessity for co-passengers to respect one another’s privacy. Thank you for posting this valuable information.

    • Delhifundos

      Glad you think so.

  3. Richard Lowe

    These are great tips to traveling. A few years ago, I flew every weekend all over the US. I wish some of my fellow passengers knew these tips.

    • Delhifundos

      Hope they read our simple to-dos during travel

  4. Emily

    So well said! I do all of these things, however, I always forget to bring a pen with me! This is something I should just always have on my packing list, because you never know when you might need to write something down for later.

    • Delhifundos

      Pen is mightier than the sword especially when you travel

  5. Ivan Carlo Jose

    Great post. I think a little reminder about travel etiquette goes a long way, especially because people have a tendency to always forget (human nature, I guess?).

    • Delhifundos

      Exactly why we put forward these easy tips for travellers.

  6. Bruce Schinkel

    Great reminder for every traveller for how to ensure you get the most out of your vacation, but also allow others to do the same!

    • Delhifundos

      Yes, that is our point!

  7. Stephanie

    All great reminders of the etiquette we should all practice while traveling! It is seldom I run into people who break these etiquette rules while traveling, but when I do it certainly puts a damper on everyone else’s enjoyment.

    • Delhifundos

      You are lucky indeed!

  8. Monidipa Dutta

    Your guide to travel etiquette is incredibly comprehensive and thoughtful. I appreciate how it covers various aspects of travel behavior, from using headphones to respecting personal space. The emphasis on consideration for fellow passengers is commendable, reminding us that a little courtesy goes a long way in making everyone’s journey more enjoyable. The dos and don’ts are clear and practical, making it easy to remember and implement them during travels. Overall, this guide serves as a valuable reminder for all of us to be mindful travelers and to contribute positively to the travel experience for everyone involved. Great job putting it together!

    • Delhifundos


  9. Archana Singh

    Such simple and easy-to-follow do’s and don’ts of travel, yet so many miss out on them. Thanks for the reminder. Thankfully I do all of the right ones.

    • Delhifundos

      You go girl!

  10. Sindhu

    This post serves as a reminder foor everyone before taking a trip. Although most of the tips mentioned here are no many people fail to follow them causing a discomfort for fellow travellers


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