10 Health tips for food bloggers

Feb 22, 2016 | Eating out, Food, Health & Wellness

Big cities are experiencing a surge in the number of new restaurants that keep opening up on daily basis. Hand-in-hand, there is a huge demand for people who can write genuine reviews about these restaurants, their food, and their experiences. Many of the food bloggers, who have created a name for themselves and have a good number of followers on social media, get invited several times in a week or at times in a day. As a result, they put their health online and end up gaining weight or inviting lifestyle diseases. But by following some simple steps, one can reduce the health risks:

Learn to say NO

You can’t attend and review every food invite. Pick and choose according to your time, availability, interest, and diet schedules. Learn to refuse the food invites that don’t work for you.

Big is not always beautiful

Ask for smaller portions of food. They can’t make half a pizza but you can always ask the chef to add different toppings on a single pizza base. This way you can taste veg, non-veg, and seafood pizzas without having an individual pizza for each variant. We have done it and it works wonderfully for us.

Hunt in groups

If you can go in big groups, this helps in trying more variety by taking smaller bites of everything. Besides you can spend time in talking, networking, and having a good time.

Exercise regularly

Though this is true for everybody – food bloggers or not, it’s all the more important for people in this field to work out regularly. To maintain a fit body, your calorie intake must be in sync with the calories burnt. Join a gym or hit the jogging track every morning.

Lunch or early dinner

Either go for lunch invites or if not possible, forward the dinner time to before 8 pm. An early dinner is the key to a healthy lifestyle, as our body doesn’t need a lot of energy while sleeping. Extra calories consumed during late-night dinners get stored in the body as fat.

Go low on carbs

Focus more on proteins like lean meat and fish and have sautéed veggies as sides. Avoid bread, and if you must, just taste a bite for reviewing.

Stop the host when you can taste no more

Sometimes restaurant owners try to push as many dishes as possible to get maximum clicks and to have many dishes reviewed. Stop the host if you can’t take any more. After a certain point, the taste buds get confused and can’t judge properly. Politely inform the host/chef to not serve any more or ask them to invite you again another time.

Reduce the frequency to at the most two invites a week

Avoid eating out more than two times a week. Even if you do it for profession or passion, you owe this to your health and well-being.

Always ask for salads as a side

Fresh salads and raw veggies add negative calories to your diet. Always ask for a salad even its not part of the food menu. This keeps you full and adds the necessary fiber to your diet that aid in digesting all the calorie-rich food you have eaten.

Opt for home delivery if possible

Some of the restaurants have dine-in as well as home delivery options available. Ask them to deliver food at home so that you can have it in good intervals and eat it as per your diet schedule. This way you don’t have to taste everything in one go. You can divide the food between lunch and dinner.

Some of the tips above can help food bloggers/reviewers maintain sanity in food blogging and keep pursuing their passion for writing food reviews.

Happy food blogging!


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  1. Satyaram

    Hands-on post. Plus very apt photograph. Good job guys!

    • Delhifundos

      Thanks Satyaram!

  2. Mahima

    Interesting blog. Being fit is the very tricky choice for foodies.


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